Fume and Odor Panels

10 days
In stock

Fume and Odor Panels reduce the level of harmful vapors and gases throughout your indoor living space. Sized to replace your standard sized 1" thick furnace filter, your furnace pushes air through the carbon bed so it can adsorb fumes and odors from your house. The Fume and Odor Panels contain our STD mix carbon & a dust filter rated at 40% @1.0 micron, and do not produce ozone. MERV 12 rated particle filter,(Alpha-Stat), can be added for better particle filter performance. All filters are metal framed & honeycomb cell construction for the carbon.1" thickness is our stock size, but 2" & 4" thick filters are available! Custom sizes & carbon mixes available on request, call us for pricing.

Pressure Drop:

".2" at 1" of water (Without dust filter)

".250" at 1" of water (With dust filter)

At 250 Feet Per Minute Air Flow

Based on panel holding 3 pounds Standard Carbon

Most stock size panel's hold approximately 3-6 lbs.

Carbon weight is based on 50% filled panels,and the size of the filter ordered.

The pressure drop as it wears is impossible for us to know, since it depends on factors unknown to us. Such as number of month's used, hours of actual furnace use, concentration, and type of impurities. However, with normal to average use, the pressure drop should not exceed .78 to .80 at approximately 4 to 5 months use.