Customer Testimonials

" I just finished renovating my 1965 Colonial, redoing every room into wood, fabrics, forged iron, and granite instead of the original Formica, linoleum, shag carpets, and Harvest Gold appliances. I added a few industrial pieces--steampunk, in art palance--as visual counterpoints to all the "natural" stuff. Your air cleaner is an industrial product that makes no bones about what it is, and isn't disguised with plastic to make it "neutral." The stainless mesh with the blower motor on top looks great, and I like it a lot. Sorry to blather on, but I love products that look as perfect as they work. Thanks."

SG Naperville, IL

"Last month we received and are operating a Series 400 and a 160R2 in my mother's home. They have improved the air quality tremendously and I am much better able to be there comfortably without having my chemical sensitivities activated. (Thank you for this product!!)" D.V. Sebastopol, CA

"The unit is wonderful, (Series 400), I feel better!"

B.B Alsip, IL

"Really like the fresh air smell! Even more, the service, special help, kindness & thoroughness of the Foust group."

E.E. Burleson, TX

"The 160R2 is a quality machine that really works!"

C.B.- Gross Ille, MI

"The Doctor really sold on your products! Being extremely ill at the time (reacting to almost everything!) I

appreciate your prompt response to the order."

B.B. - Lincoln, NE